
Monday, May 23, 2005


At the Whitney Museum, we saw Tim Hawkinson and Alexander Calder's installations and art. I don't know what to say about either one exactly aside from that they both make art that moves - kinetic? - and both exhibits delight me still. If interested, here's a site on Tim Hawkinson with pictures and videos of his installations, some that we saw that day. Let me know if you've seen him before.

And this site about Alexander Calder has a little video of his circus,

Oh, and I shouldn't forget another museum we visited called MoBIA - The Museum of Biblical Art. It's new. I haven't read the fine print about its mission yet. I tried to read it, but I just can't seem to take it in. I can say that the people that work there are awfully friendly, and admission is free. Here's a slideshow from a NY Times article that shows a little bit of the exhibition that we saw:
Howard Finster is an artist I learned about that weekend whose work is in this show. He paints his visions in great detail. Very sincere and sweet.

Downloading my little vacation feels good. Maybe I'll remember these experiences better having typed them out.


At 2:37 PM, Blogger becca said...

I saw some of Alexander Calder's stuff at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago when I was there for a planned giving conference in '01. Awesome. He's one of those artists where you are inspired to create something of your own, for me anyway.


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