Well, it's been so long - too long. Is there such a thing as blogger's block? Not that I blogged that much to begin with, but I feel a little guilty because I've been reading your blogs, like a voyeur. A couple of months ago I thought about starting an entirely new blog. But, the name Kittieland is more appropriate than ever because now I live with three cats, and there is one more who will move home from across the street next year! That makes four cats. OMG.
Where to begin? How about with some highlights from the past, uh, year and half:
Jeff and I played in Kauai twice, and then also on the southern Oregon Coast, in Walla Walla and Mazama.
Won some and lost some in Las Vegas baby. Came home with a jazzy coffee mug that lights up.
For the first time in my life I snorkeled, rode a horse on the beach and played blackjack with real money.
I've been studying me some basic science and anatomy.
I cooked a lot of food and hosted family holiday gatherings.
Sold a house, stopped driving so much, rode my bike and walked more, and have been without a career or even a job for almost a full year.
I've spent a lot of time considering and investigating new careers, but mostly just considering them.
Reconnected, and disconnected.
Sorted and gave away a lot of stuff. Sometimes I look for things that I've actually given away, without remembering that I don't have them anymore. I hate that.
I went to a Republican Party caucus with a hood and sunglasses on (kind of a bizarre and "how did I get here" kind of experience), but it's Obama who has my heart. I think he may just be able to make everyone feel like breathing again.
I've witnessed someone close to me battle hard and now, very much like the super hero that he is, inch closer and closer to recovery.
Hands down, the most significant and lovely thing since my last post is that I got married to Jeffrey.
Soon to come: I will finally officially change my name. I plan to enjoy another summer and then work or more school full-time in the fall. We're going to grow as many vegetables as we can this summer, visit my sister in Utah and travel down to the canyon lands, hopefully visit my brother in northeastern california, build a fence so we can adopt a canine for Jeff (I expect that the poor kitties will be stunned, then pissed off, and then simply resigned to their lot in life. Maybe me too). I hope to host some more family gatherings. I will definately keep studying, and maybe blog more often?